# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2005-04-20 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: wow we have nothing to talk about on this wiki...
2005-04-20 [Monkey Boy]: aint that always the way?
2005-04-20 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: hehehehehe...y
2005-04-21 [Frosty French Fry]: *takes drink of MDew*......wel
2005-04-21 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: how bout we talk about trannies?
2005-04-21 [Titty Clamps]: Trannies... I know OF a tranny named Tammy!! She lives near me... which is SCARY
2005-04-21 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: and you LOVE it, don't you?
2005-04-21 [Monkey Boy]: hmmmmmm
2005-04-22 [grim death]: ok
2005-04-22 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: andy likes him some trannies!!!!
2005-04-23 [Monkey Boy]: hmmmmm
2005-04-24 [grim death]: ok
2005-04-24 [Lady Moon Dark]: trannies?
2005-04-24 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: sorry, what i meant was transvestites.
2005-04-24 [Lady Moon Dark]: OH OK!!
2005-04-24 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: yeah..i told you...but anyway...MOVIN
2005-04-24 [Lady Moon Dark]: yes?
2005-04-24 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: no?
2005-04-24 [Frosty French Fry]: maybe?
2005-04-24 [Lady Moon Dark]: lol I thought you had another subject
2005-04-24 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: how bout we talk about...hmm...
2005-04-24 [Lady Moon Dark]: O.o big word, me tired, need dictionary
2005-04-24 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: okay..i'll dumb it down for ya a bit...its the study of VAGINA's....
2005-04-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Vaginas are quite interesting really...
2005-04-24 [Frosty French Fry]: hahaha...and im really tired
2005-04-24 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: go to sleep?
2005-04-25 [Lust]: What have i all missed?
2005-04-25 [sxy random rocker]: hhmmm.....cunt
2005-04-25 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: ur a cunt! CUNT!
2005-04-25 [Gecko Graves]: whoa, calm the cunt down, you cunts...cunt..
2005-04-26 [Lust]: guess i didnt miss a thing with these dumb asses!
2005-04-26 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: don't mind my language people
2005-04-26 [sxy random rocker]: hehe i'm a cunt *licks herself* yummy :D xx
2005-04-26 [Frosty French Fry]: wow....im lost
2005-04-26 [the_puetzj]: i would have to agree there.....bein
2005-04-26 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: lol, and not being a cunt....or licking yourself..
2005-04-26 [Frosty French Fry]: pertty much
2005-04-26 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: but..uh...anyw
2005-04-27 [Lust]: Giganto_Coconu
2005-04-27 [Ihsahn]: they are on their lynney i see them :)
2005-04-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: i joined a long time ago, i am the head of erotic entertainment
2005-04-27 [sxy random rocker]: dont worry...ppl get lost alot with me! :D xx
2005-04-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: but i am not lost
2005-04-28 [Lady Moon Dark]: I get lost all the time
2005-04-29 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: thats great
2005-04-29 [Lady Moon Dark]: It's fun you should try it, with a guy is best
2005-04-29 [Lust]: ..............
2005-04-29 [Lust]: OH OH WAIT!!! Satan's Begotten Son isn’t in our wiki.. HE’S THE ENEMY! *breaths heavily* I'm violated!
2005-05-02 [Lady Moon Dark]: I'm glad you got it Lynn. But he's not up there.... *looks at Lynn weird and moves away alowly*
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *sniffs lady moon dark*
2005-05-02 [Lady Moon Dark]: Do I smell interesting? I swear I took a shower this morning.
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: hmm...*sniffs again* yup, you smell fine!
2005-05-02 [Lady Moon Dark]: Ok, just checking. Probably smell like Pantene ProV Red Expressions
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: never smelled it...but hey, i guess i just did^^
2005-05-02 [Lady Moon Dark]: LOL I guess
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *lays down*
2005-05-02 [Monkey Boy]: *sits on the coconuts*
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *feels coconuts get squished by monkey*
2005-05-03 [sxy random rocker]: i have replacement coconuts if you like... xx
2005-05-03 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: that would be lovely, random rocker ^^
2005-05-04 [CelticWoolf]: *wanders in* Hey! How're things?
2005-05-05 [Monkey Boy]: hey woolf :)
2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: hey everybody...
2005-05-05 [Lust]: *pokes everyones eyes* WOO HOO!
2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: that tickles like SHIT
2005-05-05 [sxy random rocker]: her you are *hands over replacement coconuts* xx
2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: oh, thanks much!!!
2005-05-05 [Monkey Boy]: *sits on new coconuts*
2005-05-07 [sxy random rocker]: here have some more..... down, monkey boy! xx
2005-05-08 [Monkey Boy]: no :P... u cant tell me wat 2 do... i own this place :P
2005-05-08 [sxy random rocker]: yet i can advise you whats best for your health! now, keep squshing those coconuts and u mite just get a spanking!! :p xx
2005-05-08 [Monkey Boy]: im up for that *runs around squashing coconuts*
2005-05-08 [sxy random rocker]: uh oh....here comes my fly swatter 4 ur spankin!! xx
2005-05-08 [Monkey Boy]: NOOOOO
2005-05-09 [Lust]: You spank my bitch, I'll rip your head off! Specialy with that dirrty thing!
2005-05-09 [Monkey Boy]: *calms lynney down*
2005-05-09 [Ihsahn]: elfpack mafia is viewable by the public now :)
2005-05-09 [Monkey Boy]: thats nice for it
2005-05-09 [Lust]: must... not.. GERRRRRR!
2005-05-09 [Monkey Boy]: good girl :P
2005-05-09 [Lady Moon Dark]: O.o
2005-05-09 [Monkey Boy]: *smiles* hello moon dark :)
2005-05-09 [sxy random rocker]: ha! :D xx
2005-05-11 [Monkey Boy]: wat u haing about?
2005-05-11 [sxy random rocker]: Lynney....i think she's funny! xx
2005-05-11 [Monkey Boy]: she gets a bit over protective of me thats all :)
2005-05-12 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: no i don't
2005-05-13 [Monkey Boy]: not u... lynney :P
2005-05-13 [sxy random rocker]: lol cool...the protective ex....what a nightmare! lmao she's gonna kill me readin this :) xx
2005-05-13 [Monkey Boy]: she's not my ex anymore :P lol... suppose i should have told everyone
2005-05-13 [Frosty French Fry]: going back out
2005-05-13 [sxy random rocker]: yeh u shud hav lmao cool go u 2!! xx
2005-05-15 [Monkey Boy]: yup :D *dances*
2005-05-15 [Lust]: ..............
2005-05-15 [Frosty French Fry]: *Touches Lynney's cheese*
2005-05-15 [Monkey Boy]: erm... cheese is the name lynney gave a certain part of my anatomy which i dont think u want 2 touch
2005-05-15 [Gecko Graves]: .......thats a conversation killer........
2005-05-16 [Lust]: ....... This is wrong.........
2005-05-16 [Lady Moon Dark]: *has very BAD images go through head with that conversation*
2005-05-16 [Lady Moon Dark]: Sorry I'm not on more guys. Life's pretty hectic, and I feel sick and don't know why. No temperature, just nausea.
2005-05-16 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: aw....
2005-05-17 [Lust]: Dont have bad thoughts about my BF!
2005-05-18 [Monkey Boy]: can i have bad thoughts about ur BF?
2005-05-18 [Lust]: .......... You are him
2005-05-18 [Monkey Boy]: exactly... but can i have bad thought about myself?
2005-05-19 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: I didn't have bad thoughts
2005-05-21 [Monkey Boy]: cool :)
2005-05-24 [Lust]: (lies!)
2005-05-24 [individual thought]: http://kevan.o
2005-05-24 [Lady Moon Dark]: why would you want to have bad thougths about yourself, Monkey?
2005-05-24 [Lady Moon Dark]: Oh, and the thoughts weren't about him specifically..
2005-05-27 [Monkey Boy]: watcha thinking? thinking about big hairy........ heads? :P
2005-05-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: weeners
2005-05-29 [Monkey Boy]: sausages?
2005-05-29 [Lust]: imatureness...
2005-05-29 [Monkey Boy]: excuse me?
2005-05-31 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: wenis's?
2005-05-31 [individual thought]: >.>
2005-06-01 [Monkey Boy]: anyway
2005-06-01 [I dont go here anymore]: hey wtfs goin on i aint been here in a while how is things?
2005-06-01 [Lady Moon Dark]: *closes eyes and shakes head* You don't want to know, it's better to just live in ignorance...
2005-06-01 [Monkey Boy]: it is?
2005-06-02 [Lady Moon Dark]: Sometimes... YES!
2005-06-03 [Monkey Boy]: ok cool... GROUP HUG!!!!!
2005-06-03 [Lady Moon Dark]: *hugs*
2005-06-03 [:+Hell_Kid+:]: GUESS WHOS BACK! Whoa its been a loooooooong time since ive been back on elfpack but HEY! ;P
2005-06-05 [654dghs]: haha i would wana join this place but ionno u don't got my spot i'll be a hitman for free i'll be ur fuckin toy soldier got ne problems send me after them im not afraid of shit got ne problems with me i gota problem with u
2005-06-06 [Monkey Boy]: ok o.O
2005-06-06 [654dghs]: its up 2 u
2005-06-07 [Lust]: o.o
2005-06-07 [Lust]: Is that person retarded? Or need to just learn better gramer and spelling? I cant even read it and I have to put up with Timsy =|
2005-06-08 [Monkey Boy]: :O :O :O :O :O *slap*
2005-06-08 [654dghs]: i'll give u 1 last chance r else i'll b ur worst night mare seriously
2005-06-08 [654dghs]: u know what nvm fuck u fuck all of u lol u think ur all cool with ur little fake gang seriously u can't do shit
2005-06-08 [individual thought]: lol, poor little boy...
2005-06-08 [individual thought]: you all picking on him and everything, you should be ashamed of yourselves :P
2005-06-08 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: yesh, picking and such
2005-06-08 [654dghs]: lmfao go back to ur mom
2005-06-08 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *goes back to her*
2005-06-09 [Lust]: O.o
2005-06-09 [Monkey Boy]: *runs 2 his lynney and hugs her*
2005-06-09 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: my great grandfather was in the italian mafia
2005-06-10 [Monkey Boy]: cool :)
2005-06-10 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: yeah i think its awesome he came from Sicily
2005-06-10 [individual thought]: awww... you deleted my post... it was funny though
2005-06-10 [individual thought]: i heard it on tv
2005-06-11 [Monkey Boy]: noone deleted ur post o.O
2005-06-11 [individual thought]: hm, ok
2005-06-11 [Monkey Boy]: well i didn't delete it :S
2005-06-12 [individual thought]: maby i screwed up or something
2005-06-12 [individual thought]: or maby I deleted it
2005-06-12 [Lady Moon Dark]: Maybe... or maybe it just got lost. Lots of pages to get lost in... *lays head on table and wonders if being drunk will help pass the next 2 weeks*
2005-06-12 [Lust]: o.o
2005-06-12 [individual thought]: yeah.... i see what you meen
2005-06-12 [Lady Moon Dark]: Long story, the short of it is I wanna take out the military since they are responsible for my fiance being gone.
2005-06-12 [Lady Moon Dark]: *raises an eye brow* I hate the military. *lays head back down*
2005-06-12 [individual thought]: the military protects us from stuff, so if someone comes over and bombs us, we can go back over there and bomb them a hundred times over, like we did to iraq
2005-06-12 [Lady Moon Dark]: Make "Military Inteligence" so it isn't an oxymoron, and MAYBE I'll agree
2005-06-12 [Lust]: *dosnt want matt to go over seas*
2005-06-12 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: hi people
2005-06-12 [Monkey Boy]: hello
2005-06-13 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: ...what's up?
2005-06-13 [Lady Moon Dark]: Not much here....
2005-06-13 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: im kinda bored myself
2005-06-14 [Monkey Boy]: *dies*
2005-06-15 [Lady Moon Dark]: Uh oh Lynney, better revive him
2005-06-15 [654dghs]: i wana b in the dismembered family
2005-06-15 [Lady Moon Dark]: Why?
2005-06-17 [Lady Moon Dark]: *wasn't around* If you don't like us, why do you come back?
2005-06-18 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: ok i take that back im sorry it was my great Uncle that was in the Italian mafia
2005-06-18 [Ihsahn]: No need to.. I warned you any more comments made by [654dghs] will be deleted if you continue to flame this wiki I will ban you from elfpack
2005-06-20 [Lady Moon Dark]: What about your uncle, Rain?
2005-06-21 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: He was in the Italian mafia
2005-06-21 [Lady Moon Dark]: oh cool, a real mafia guy?
2005-06-21 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: yeah he was a real one i think he still alive either that hes dead but i havent talked to him
2005-06-22 [Lady Moon Dark]: dead how?
2005-06-22 [Lady Moon Dark]: oh ok, so he didn't get popped off.
2005-06-22 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: no.......if im correct he was close to the don
2005-06-23 [Lady Moon Dark]: That still doesn't cut out the possibility from what I understand.
2005-06-23 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: yeah i know but he wasnt done off he died of old age
2005-07-09 [Lady Moon Dark]: ok, that's a good thing
2005-07-10 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: yeah i know you dont know how many times i thought he was done off w/.....it drove me more then usual(lol)
2005-07-10 [Lady Moon Dark]: I bet
2005-07-11 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: yeah
2005-07-11 [Ihsahn]: *does random drive by* oops [~!~GreenDay~!~] is gone now =(
2005-07-19 [Gecko Graves]: reality is an iluzion caused by lack of alcohol
2005-07-20 [Lust]: o.o
2005-07-21 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: i am............
2005-07-25 [Lady Moon Dark]: I'm Swiss and Irish
2005-07-27 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: i have irish indian english all in all im just a mutt i have like 100 other things too
2005-07-30 [Lust]: La la la
2005-08-13 [Lust]: *grins evily* I'm not sure where anyone is, but sense the dom has vanished, I'm taking over tull hes back!
2005-08-13 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: ..............
2005-08-14 [Lust]: Grr what? *stares*
2005-08-16 [Dead Girl]: i wanna be part of the mafia!!
2005-08-17 [Dead Girl]: the Erotic Dancer ;)
2005-08-17 [Lust]: Eh, That means I have to put you up their, right? me and my fat ass.. *thinks* wait.. I'm not fat!
2005-08-17 [Dead Girl]: lol no your not fat...your pretty!
Number of comments: 6244
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